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Information Literacy (Lecture-Most Influential Person)

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Who: Abby Pariente
What (is her role): Journalism Teacher; School Paper Adviser
Where (did we meet): Manila Science High School
When (did we meet): 2015
Why: She was able to open my eyes to the reality of society. I learned things no one taught me. She made the path that led me to my beliefs today.
How: She provided us readings, gave requirements that exposed me to the different problems around us.

A question was given to us and we were tasked to construct a table for it.
"According to the weather forecast, there is no typhoon. However, your locality is experiencing heavy rainfall, while some parts in your province / region are already flooded. There are reported incidents of landslide, evacuation, stranded vehicles and drowning. As a student, what are you going to do?"

 This is my answer

Information Needs
What information do you need?
Recent reports, scholarly or informative data, trend updates
Source of Information
How will you access them?
T.V., radio, magazines, computers, cellphones
Access Information
How will you access them?
Internet, broadcast stations, publishers
Evaluate Information
How will you check the quality of information?
Referencing, verifying credible sources
Organize Information
How will you organize and store them?
Take notes, use color coded reminders, sharing in social networking sites
Communicate Information
How will you create and communicate them?
Social media, texting

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Indigenous Media (Mind Map)

Today, Mr. Opiana discussed the indigenous media . He asked us to create a concept map about it. Here is my concept map:

Information Literacy (Laboratory)

Source: Iconfinder KNOWLEDGE IS POWER Knowledge is power Knowledge is the key to survival, but apart from that, knowledge enables us to transcend from our initial state into a better one. Knowledge paved the way for the evolution of society. Information becomes knowledge in what way? Information is objective while knowledge is subjective. When a person is able to absorb, retain, and apply the information he received, that information becomes knowledge. This relationship could be compared to a raw agricultural product, which represents information, being processed into preserved food, which represents knowledge. The topic about Importance of Giving Credit was discussed and here are my opinions on it. Giving credit is a personal responsibility carried by everyone. It comes along with the privilege of creating something to call as your own. With privilege, comes responsibility. Giving credit is simply treating others the way you want to be treated. I guess no one w