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Media and Information Language

“Language is a source of misunderstanding” – McLuhan, 1964
Language is a source of misunderstanding because only a certain group of people understand a language. Each language also has a unique way of symbolism, origin, concept, culture and execution. The translation of different languages has different barriers that limit the fullness of understanding of interpretation.
Does the user's/audience's background or experience affect the interpretation of messages? How?
Every person has his own schema. Based on the Social Learning Theory person will fully understand a message from another if his experiences are at par with the other. If a person’s background is not the same with the speaker, chances are, the interpretation of the message is limited.
Is it possible that a different individual derives a different meaning from the message? Explain.
Yes, it is possible for a different individual to derive a different meaning from the message because not all have the same way of thinking and information received to help them understand. Information is also created to be interpreted in various ways,
We were also tasked to identify five signs and symbols used to convey information.

Image result for twitter iconSource: Icon Archive
Image result for emergency exit images
Source: Raymac Signs
Emergency exit
Image result for wattpad iconSource: free icons
Image result for no smoking sign
No smoking
Image result for male female bathroom sign
Source: ClipArtMasters
Comfort Room Male/Female

How are these signs and symbols used to make people in the community understand the message being conveyed?
It makes them understand the message more because it incorporated general ideas and concepts
Before ending the class, Mr. Opiana showed us four pictures that require analysis. He gave us a table to organize our answers. Here are my answers:
Ferdie Marco
Target Audience
Men who want to improve their skin
People who will vote in the next elections
People who want to go to Mayon
Advertisers of the product
Ferdie Marco
Your Brother
To give them brighter and energized skin
To gain votes and approval from the city of Marikina
To give service for people who want to enjoy Mayon
Key Content
Skin care product
Advertisement of McDo McMuffin
Advertisement of rental of ATVs
Web/social media
Social Media

Furthermore, Mr. Opiana gave us some questions regarding the activity, which were discussed next meeting:
What information codes, conventions and messages about our country is communicated through advertisements?
Through advertisements, information of what is happening is disseminated. Issues regarding politics are divulged. The concept of capitalism in the country including tourism is shared as well.
If you are to create a postcard for a place or organization of your choice, what technical and symbolic codes would you use to convey important information and create the desired impression? Why?
I will use iconic symbols related to the concept or to the vision of the organization. With these, the audience will understand the purpose of my message.
How can understanding of the technical and symbolic codes contribute to media and information literacy?

The symbols provide a general code for everyone, therefore helping Media and Information Literacy be known by all. People would recognize the importance of Media and Information Literacy through general understanding.

The answers were discussed next meeting.

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Indigenous Media (Mind Map)

Today, Mr. Opiana discussed the indigenous media . He asked us to create a concept map about it. Here is my concept map:

Information Literacy (Lecture-Most Influential Person)

Source: THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PERSON IN MY LIFE Who : Abby Pariente What (is her role) : Journalism Teacher; School Paper Adviser Where (did we meet) : Manila Science High School When (did we meet) : 2015 Why : She was able to open my eyes to the reality of society. I learned things no one taught me. She made the path that led me to my beliefs today. How : She provided us readings, gave requirements that exposed me to the different problems around us. A question was given to us and we were tasked to construct a table for it. "According to the weather forecast, there is  no typhoon.  However, your locality is experiencing heavy rainfall, while some parts in your province / region are already flooded. There are reported incidents of landslide, evacuation, stranded vehicles and drowning. As a student, what are you going to do?"  This is my answer STAGES/ELEMENTS ANSWERS Informatio

Information Literacy (Laboratory)

Source: Iconfinder KNOWLEDGE IS POWER Knowledge is power Knowledge is the key to survival, but apart from that, knowledge enables us to transcend from our initial state into a better one. Knowledge paved the way for the evolution of society. Information becomes knowledge in what way? Information is objective while knowledge is subjective. When a person is able to absorb, retain, and apply the information he received, that information becomes knowledge. This relationship could be compared to a raw agricultural product, which represents information, being processed into preserved food, which represents knowledge. The topic about Importance of Giving Credit was discussed and here are my opinions on it. Giving credit is a personal responsibility carried by everyone. It comes along with the privilege of creating something to call as your own. With privilege, comes responsibility. Giving credit is simply treating others the way you want to be treated. I guess no one w