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Media and Information Language (continuation)

TODAY is a very special day for me. It’s the birthday of Taylor Swift, and I’m just so energized to write this blog. Sorry for the #OffTopic statement, let’s get on to the blog.
Mr. Opiana asked us to answer a table regarding the different uses of media and purposes as well. He gave us a scenario about the clash between militants and the police force. Here are my answers to the table.
Predict how this event will be covered by television, radio, print and internet
Television: live news report
Radio: interview with the prosecutor and/or lawyer of the defendant and/or policemen
Print: news article and photograph
Internet: live feed
How will the presentation of facts vary from medium to medium?
Every medium has a limitation. For the T.V. and internet, the specific details are missed out but the actual event is shown. For the Print, there is no chronological showcase of actual events, but details are divulged. For the radio, only sounds and audios are available, but the direct opinion of persons involved are heard.
How will the codes and inventions may vary from medium to medium?
Transmission of data vary. In radio, audio formats and airing time are considered. In T.V., video recording is used. In Internet, wifi and website are used. In Print, text is used.
How much of these differences will be based on the different characteristics of media?
Different characteristics of media serve the different preferences of consumers. Some media focuses on opinions (radio), on footages (internet), on details (print) and on credibility (television)

If you will be the reporter, are you going to use the conventional way of how each media will be broadcasted in the given scenario?
Yes, I prefer the conventional way to make the consumers understand more because they are not used to other methods. If I will be innovative in my reporting, they might not understand.
What will you do in order to not make your report boring?
I will use catchy lines in T.V. Delivery is also important. That is the same with radio reporting/announcing. If in print media, I will use graphic design to emphasize.
Would you exaggerate some elements in your report to make it interesting? Why?
No, I will not exaggerate, ever. Exaggerating leads to either confusion or misinterpretation of facts and details. To use exaggeration is the same as compromising one’s credibility as a journalist and compromising the truthfulness and validity of the report.

Lastly, he gave us a task to make an informercial regarding a certain trend. Here is the link to our video:
Our infomercial showed the 4 different stages of Adaptive Security Architecture - Predict, Prevent, Detect, Respond - applied in real life. 

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Indigenous Media (Mind Map)

Today, Mr. Opiana discussed the indigenous media . He asked us to create a concept map about it. Here is my concept map:

Information Literacy (Lecture-Most Influential Person)

Source: THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PERSON IN MY LIFE Who : Abby Pariente What (is her role) : Journalism Teacher; School Paper Adviser Where (did we meet) : Manila Science High School When (did we meet) : 2015 Why : She was able to open my eyes to the reality of society. I learned things no one taught me. She made the path that led me to my beliefs today. How : She provided us readings, gave requirements that exposed me to the different problems around us. A question was given to us and we were tasked to construct a table for it. "According to the weather forecast, there is  no typhoon.  However, your locality is experiencing heavy rainfall, while some parts in your province / region are already flooded. There are reported incidents of landslide, evacuation, stranded vehicles and drowning. As a student, what are you going to do?"  This is my answer STAGES/ELEMENTS ANSWERS Informatio

Information Literacy (Laboratory)

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